Hope for that lights..

When I open my eyes,
    the only thing I see is just a darkness...
The darkness that even darker than an empty room without lights..
I start to running nowhere to looking for someone..
Someone who will gives light for me..
    the bright one so it can light my way..
But after a long time I'm running, I start to tired..
    tired of this hopeless thing..
When I start to give up,
    that light come...
A little one, but it so bright...
I start to running again..
    running.. running.. running.. and keep running..
But after I arrive to that place,
    there's nothing... but just a big locked door..
'Where is the light?' said my heart..
I try to open that door but it won't open anymore..
    how many times I try, it still won't open..
I start to cry, cry about this hopeless thing..
But when i'm crying...
I hear someone open the door,
I start to stop crying and wipe my tears..
When the door is open,
    the first thing I see is you..
You.. The one who is smiling at me..
You.. The one who is giving me your hand..
You.. The one who save me from this darkness..